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Welcome | Keynote – Palladium C
Shawn LaTourette

Commissioner LaTourette will provide his perspective on implementation
of the Environmental Justice law and Department’s efforts to address
resilience and Energy Master Plan implementation.

Palladium C

  • SL

    Shawn LaTourette

    Commissioner at NJ Department of Environmental Protection
Networking Reception – Palladium A
Breakfast – Palladium B

The Association is hosting a reunion breakfast for all current EPDA students and Alumni
who are attending the AEA Conference. This breakfast is a great way to share your
professional experiences with the current Cohort as well as reunite with past graduates.

Annual Meeting & Election of Slate – Palladium C

President, Richard Brand, East Windsor MUA
1st Vice President, Steve Specht, Brick Township MUA
2nd Vice President, Brian Brach, Manasquan River RSA
Treasurer, Ron Anastasio, Somerset Raritan Valley SA
Past President, Justin Flancbaum, Lakewood Township MUA
Authority Member Director
JoAnn Mondsini, Rockaway Valley RSA
Thomas Laustsen, PVSC
Brian Valentino, Western Monmouth UA
Municipal/Associate Member Director
Jim Cosgrove, Kleinfelder, Inc.
Bill Gettings, Hazen & Sawyer

Voting Procedure
AEA membership is by organization. Our bylaws state that each member organization
shall have a voting delegate. The voting delegate is the main contact person listed in
the AEA directory. This is usually the executive director -- or could be a commissioner,
superintendent. For associate members, it is the person who is our primary liaison, a
partner, a vice president, as indicated to us when you join. Those of you who are voting
delegates have a yellow ribbon indicating this attached to your badges. If you have that
ribbon, you are eligible to vote.

Toxic and Combustible Gas Detection Practices in the Water and Wastewater Industry
Dextar Vilar

This presentation looks at the top-level issues and then goes into some
detail about the methods of detection. The presentation is designed to
help decision makers determine, how, where and what is necessary for a
safe working environment

  • DV

    Dextar Vilar

    NSI Neal Systems, Inc.
RC Matters Affecting Energy and Water Costs
Brian Lipman
  • BL

    Brian Lipman

    Rate Counsel
Local Assistance Bureau: a Resource from DCA
Michele Meade

The Department of Community Affairs, Division of Local Government
Services offers expert advice and assistance to municipalities through
its Local Assistance Bureau (LAB). Team members who have expertise
in a wide array of local government matters travel around the state
and interact with municipal officials to provide analysis, best practices and support on all
aspects of municipal governance. Presenter Michele Meade will advise attendees on how to
access the program and what a great resource it can be.

  • MM

    Michele Meade

    Department of Community Affairs
The Importance of Safety at Authorities
Janette KesslerBrian Brach

Safety education in wastewater and solid waste is of critical importance. The responsibility
falls on everyone from executive director to frontline employees. This presentation will
discuss losses, near misses, requirements, safety committee and what we can do collectively
to keep our industry safe. Annual training, review of written plans and communication
amongst our internal staff can help yield the best results. At the end of the day, we want
everyone to get home safely, and we should work together to make that happen

  • JK

    Janette Kessler

    Atlantic County UA
  • BB

    Brian Brach

    Manasquan River RSA
How PEOSH Can Assist You
Krishna Jagannathan

This presentation will cover commonly cited hazards as well as information on how to request the free and helpful resources to assist your market sector to reduce or eliminate potential for preventable loss, help employers identify and correct hazards in the workplace which could cause injury or illness to workers, and could lead to fines, penalties, and insurance increases for employers.

  • KJ

    Krishna Jagannathan

    NJ Department of Labor