Event Details

MBCA Peachtree Holiday Luncheon -

A change from a traditional holiday luncheon-an Irish seasonal buffet. Olde Blind Dog (212650 Crabapple Rd #100, Milton, GA 30004) has been a popular waterhole in Milton for the past ten years. Ole Blind Dog's authentic reproduction of an Irish Pub was recognized and selected as the "Irish Pub of the Year" in 2015 by the Irish Global Pub Federation of Dublin Ireland. Our private room buffet will consist of

  • Broiled Salmon
  • Blacked Chicken Pasta
  • Corn Beef and cabbage, potatoes, carrots
  • Seasonal vegetables
  • Irish Cheese Grits
  • Side salad
  • Tea, Coffee, or Water

The pub cash bar has an exhausting array of beer on tap and can mix cocktails to order.

I did check the Internet and found that Grits are a traditional fare in Ireland, not just the South USA.

Parting words of Slainte Gaelach! 

  • May your glass be ever full,
  • May the roof over your head be always strong,
  • May you be in heaven a half hour
  • Before the devil know you're gone!
