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Offshore Wind 101 is a half-hour webinar designed for businesses that are seeking an introduction to the offshore wind industry. There are a significant number of entry points into the offshore wind market. From manufacturing to marketing, there is an urgent need for new businesses in the supply chain. Offshore Wind 101 is a launching point for your exploration of working in the industry.

What is Offshore Wind 101:

There are a significant number of entry points into the offshore wind market. From manufacturing to marketing, there is an urgent need for new businesses in the supply chain. Offshore Wind 101 is a launching point for your exploration of working in the industry:

Attend Offshore Wind 101 and you will:

  • Gain a basic understanding of industry operations
  • Learn about the variety of businesses that are needed in the supply chain
  • Identify potential next steps for your business

Who should attend?

  • Any business or individual interested in learning more about the U.S. offshore wind industry.



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